Institute of Neuro Sciences
Avitis made a concious decision to develop Neurology and Allied Specialities in the form of a centre of Excellence-Avitis Institute of Neuro Sciences.Special focus is being given in this Centre of Excellence to Organise extensive public Awareness programmes to elevate the level of Awareness about this latest treatment modality for stroke and to drive in the significance of timely Reporting to the hospital.Which lead to a high possibility of saving the life of the patient.
The electrophysiological service includes:
- Evoke potential (EP) Studies
- Electroneuromyography(ENMG)
- Electroencephalogaphy(EEG)
- Video Electroencephalography(VEEG)
- Video Electroencephalography(VEEG) including longterm monitoring
- Electrocorticography(ECOG)
- World class Epilepsy Monitoring
- Catheterisation Lab to ensure safe Recovery of Stroke Victims through ‘interventional Neurology’
- Comprehensive management to handle movement disorders like parkinsonism.
- Avitis Trauma Centre ensure 24*7 Neurosurgeons service to treat head injuries on time.
- Neuro-rehabilitation unit with well-equippped physical medicine and rehabilitation facilities.